"Ecological natural restoration and its artificial promotion mode in co" by LIU Wei, YIN Qinrui et al.

Coal Geology & Exploration


The natural ecological restoration is an important direction of the national ecological restoration policy. Taking limited artificial measures to promote the natural ecological restoration in coal mining areas is in line with the actual engineering requirements under the context of "double carbon" goal and thus has a better prospect in market application. Herein, the research results in terms of natural ecological restoration were sorted out systematically for the three main types of damaged land in the coal mining areas. Meanwhile, the concept connotation of artificial promotion of natural restoration was studied and analyzed. Besides, the governance mode by zone and classification, and the main technical direction, of artificial promotion of natural ecological restoration were discussed in combination with the characteristics of damaged ecological habitats in coal mining areas. The research shows that the implementation of artificial promotion measures by zoning and classification is the main strategy to promote the natural ecological restoration in the coal mining area with low disturbance and high efficiency. Based on the assessment of the natural ecological restoration potential in the coal mining area, three types of regional governance systems can be established on the principles of no interference in most areas and artificial treatment in the key area for the artificial promotion of natural ecological restoration in the specific implementation. The technical methods, such as the protection and promotion of existing vegetation, the planting of native vegetation that is easy to proliferate, the reconstruction and improvement of micro-regional soil, and the shaping of micro-topography and landform, should be used to promote the natural ecological restoration potential in the coal mining areas. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the research on the relationship between micro-topography and vegetation restoration in the mining areas, and the selection of the implementation area of artificial promotion measures, so as to effectively improve the efficiency of ecological governance and reduce the project cost. Generally, this study could provide the basic theoretical and technical strategy support for the economic, efficient and stable realization of ecological restoration objectives in the coal mining areas.


ecological restoration,natural restoration,artificial promotion,coal mining area




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