
Coal Geology & Exploration

Review Statement

(1) Double-blind peer review. Peer review is the most important measure to ensure the academic quality of papers. All manuscripts are sent to at least two peer experts for review after the initial evaluation by the editorial board. The scientificity, innovation and practicality of the paper are mainly assessed. The approach of dual-anonymous peer review is adopted, to ensure that the peer reviewers can examine the manuscripts in an impartial and objective manner.

Copyright Statement

The authors sign a“Copyright Authorization Agreement” with the journal during the submission process on the official website of Coal Geology & Exploration.

With the acceptance of the paper, the agreement is effective immediately, and all the authors agree to the statement in the “Copyright License Agreement”, which means authors agree to transfer the rights to the editorial board of Coal Geology and Exploration. All rights including to reproduce and distribute the paper as a whole and any figures, tables, abstracts or other parts from the work that can be extracted from the paper, but not limited to rights of reproduction, distribution, information network dissemination.

If the manuscript is rejected after review, the agreement automatically invalidated.  Copyright License Agreement.docx