
Coal Geology & Exploration


The coal mining area of northern Shaanxi is an important coal base of China, and the large amount of coal mining will cause surface subsidence and landscape disturbance. Taking the subsidence area of Ningtiaota Mine in northern Shaanxi as an example, this paper comprehensively analyzes the landscape problems in loess hilly landform through the combination of indoor statistical analysis, field investigation, qualitative-quantitative methods. The landscape pattern planning, design and layout are carried out, which provides reference for the landscape planning of underground mine area in this landform types. It is found that there are four problems in the above ground landscape: the fragmentation of natural landscape and the lack of overall layout of ecological environment; dynamic of underground coal mining and the lack of linkage mechanism in above ground landscape planning; the low efficiency of land resource utilization and the lack of organic link between landscape ecology and industrial economy; drought and depletion of environmental soil and the lack of connection between landscape reconstruction and technical support. In view of these problems, a zoning planning model based on the classification of slope and aspect, a space-time planning model of three phases and two zones, a plant combination planning based on compound planting model, and a technical planning model based on microbial fertilizer, UAV aerial seeding and mine water reuse are constructed. In addition, the comprehensive ecological, economic and social benefits are analyzed. The above has laid a foundation for the subsequent survival and development of the mining area and the upgrading and transformation of ecological economy.


landscape planning, model design, problems of landscape, classification of slope and aspect, comprehensive benefit, hilly loess, mining subsidence area




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