
Coal Geology & Exploration


Mine water inflow, aquifer water level, analysis data of water quality and formation information are closely related to water prevention and control. It takes a long time to collect a large amount of data. The relevant technical specifications clearly require the establishment of an account for data management, but there is no unified and practical account format, and detailed description of its purpose. Microsoft Excel is used to establish four basic data accounts of mine water inflow, aquifer water level, hydrochemistry and information on stratum. The format of the account is standardized, and the methods for data application of each account are illustrated, including judging the impact of atmospheric precipitation through the mine water inflow duration curve, analyzing the recharge relationship between aquifers through the aquifer water level change duration curve, deducing the source of water according to the change of water quality data, and predicting the water-rich area with the information on formation. The practice shows that the account helps to standardize the collection and preservation of data. Combined with other information, it can play a role in prediction, effectively promoting the standardization of mine quality.


prevention and control of water disaster, basic account, basic data, data application




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