
Coal Geology & Exploration


The scientific construction of the relationship among coal, water, and the environment is the basis of green coal development during the process of coal mining. This paper focus on the coal mining and protection of water resources and the ecological environment, and builds a green coordinated development evaluation index system by taking coal, water and environment into consideration. In this study, the methodology used is holistic and hierarchical principles of system theory. The selection of indicators considering resource factors, technological development and environmental concept progress are determined in accordance with the latest industry regulations, technical standards and local guiding planning. In order to measure the relationship between various indicators and goals, the gray system theory is introduced to determine the scientificity and logical rationality of the index selection; and quantifies the weight of the index hierarchically with the help of the analytic hierarchy process theory, which overcomes the randomness in the index selection process and the separation from the actual production technology in the past. The article introduces the scientific method of obtaining index scores, evaluates the current conditions of the green coordinated development of Sihe Minefield, and interprets the practicality of the index system method based on the “coal-water-environment” green coordinated development evaluation. The green evaluation method system can provide a reference for the scientific development of coal resources and has certain practical significance. In order to verify the applicability of the evaluation method system in similar minefields, the Chengzhuang Minefield was also evaluated. The results of the two minefields show that the green evaluation method system can provide a reference for the scientific development of coal resources and has certain practical significance.


coal−water−environment, coordinated development, evaluation index, system establishment, index quantification




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