
Coal Geology & Exploration


For the purpose of accurately ascertaining the distribution range and water abundance degree of the burnt rock mass in the mining area, a new set of methods for prediction and exploration of burnt area boundaries and water-richness is presented based on overall consideration of the electrical-magnetic characteristics of the geological body. Three geophysical prospecting methods including high-precision magnetic survey, transient electromagnetic method and high-density electrical method are used for joint exploration are applied to the exploration of the burnt area of Shajihai No.1 Minefield in Xinjiang. The results show that the southern boundary of the burned area moves slightly compared with the original exploration boundary. The study area is generally weak in water richness, and the water abundance areas are mainly concentrated in the southern boundary and south of the burned area. Nine burned water abundance areas are delineated near the B10 coal seam, numbered Y1-Y9 respectively. The proposed borehole location is reasonable, which provides reliable geophysical data basis for the next drilling construction. The combination of multiple geophysical methods is well verified, providing a practical basis for future burnt range and water abundance exploration in burnt rock areas.


Electrical-Magnetic method, burnt rock area, joint detection, burnt range, water abundance, mutual authentication




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