Coal Geology & Exploration
To explore the evolution law of surrounding rock fissures under the influence of horizontal stress and dynamic disturbance in argillaceous roadways, the deformation and failure characteristics of argillaceous roadways, the evolution law of surrounding rock fissures and the fractal evolution characteristics of surrounding rock fissures under dynamic disturbance are studied by such methods as field investigation, numerical simulation and fractal theory analysis, with the 226 track gate of Shanjiaoshu Mine in Panzhou City as the engineering background. The results show that before dynamic disturbance, the expansion range of fracture zone and plastic zone of roadways gradually increases with the increase of lateral pressure coefficient, and the roadway has large deformation. After the disturbance, the fracture density of surrounding rock increases gradually with the increase of lateral pressure coefficient, and the shallow fractures extend through and gradually extend to the deep. The fracture zone and plastic zone of roadways show comprehensive irregular expansion. Under the influence of disturbance, the fractal dimension of surrounding rock fractures of roadway shows obvious increasing dimension phenomenon compared with that before disturbance. With the increase of lateral pressure coefficient, the fracture network becomes more complex, and the shallow fractures further spread to the deeper part, which makes the rock mass fracture more serious and leads to severe deformation and failure of roadway.
argillaceous roadway, numerical simulation, lateral pressure coefficient, fractal, fracture, dynamic disturbance
Recommended Citation
DING Wanqi, MA Zhenqian, ZU Ziyin,
et al.
"Research on the evolution law of roadway surrounding rock fissure based on fractal dimension,"
Coal Geology & Exploration: Vol. 49:
3, Article 22.
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-1986.2021.03.021
Available at:
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