
Coal Geology & Exploration


The channel wave seismic exploration technology has achieved relatively reliable result in detection of faults, collapse columns and the change of coal thickness in working faces, now becomes the preferred method for detection of underground geological structures. But for detection of geological structures in partings of composite coal seams the method has still certain problems. In order to study the influence of partings in composite coal seams on detection of channel wave seismic exploration, various models were built by changing thickness, lithology of parting in composite coal seams and experimenting with channel wave seismic detection in Shanxi to study how those parameters influence the exploration precision of channel wave seismic. The results show that the partings of composite coal seams have big influence on interpretation of fault throw by channel wave seismic detection, when the difference between the parting thickness and the seam thickness is smaller, in interpretation of fault throw, the unit coal thickness standard should be the total thickness of a composite coal seam, when the difference is bigger, the unit coal thickness standard should be the thickness of a single seam for a stimulating and receiving layer. The achievements can provide a basis for seismic data interpretation and analysis.


composite coal seam, parting, channel wave seismic exploration, fault throw, the unit coal thickness




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