
Coal Geology & Exploration


Jurassic coal resources in Ningdong coalfield are huge, also play important role in coal resource development and utilization in Ningxia. For the purpose of clean and efficient use of Jurassic coal in Ningdong coalfield, coal quality and petrographic characteristics were analyzed based on coalfield exploration data. The results show that Jurassic coal in Ningdong coalfield is characterized by very low to low ash, very low to low sulfur content, low phosphorus, low arsenic, low fluorine and high heating value, these characters indicate that Jurassic coal is clean power coal. Besides that, it has medium to high volatile, higher H/C, lower tar yield and abundant inertinite, these characters determined that the coal is neither suitable for direct liquidation nor for extraction of coal tar. The others characteristics like no caking, lower moisture, relatively higher α(950℃) and ash melting temperature indicate its suitability for gasification mainly through entrained-flow bed of water slurry and dry feed entrained flow bed. We suggest that Jurassic coal in Ningdong coalfield should be used as power coal and gasification coal, as well as indirect liquefactions based on gasification.


Ningdong coalfield, clean & efficient use of coal, coal petrography, coal quality, Jurassic coal




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