
Coal Geology & Exploration


In order to systematically analyze the distribution characteristics of the main harmful elements in coal in different coalfields of Henan Province and assess the potential of clean utilization of coal resources, through systematic collection of coal quality data of 12 coalfields and uniform sampling for test, the average content of 11 harmful elements in each coalfield was obtained. The weighted scale index method of generalized contrast was used to calculate the comprehensive index I of the clean potential of coal resources and assess the clean utilization potential of coal resources. The conclusion that the clean quality of coal resources in Henan Province shows the trend of gradual improvement, i.e., the coal is unclean–less clean–cleaner, The main factors affecting the clean potential assessment of coal resources are ash and selenium. Finally, the statistics of the coal resources of each clean grade in 12 coalfields were counted: cleaner coal resources are 23.5 billion tons, less clean coal resources 3 billion tons, unclean coal resources 500 million tons. The utilization direction was investigated. The research results have guiding significance for the clean and efficient utilization of coal resources in Henan Province.


coal resources, clean utilization, potential, influencing factor, Henan Province




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