
Coal Geology & Exploration


Coal mine safety training and emergency drills are effective measures to prevent disasters and accidents. At this stage, however, there are problems such as the boring training content, drills emphasizing “performance” rather than “practice”, and formalism. Metaverse technology integrates VR, AR, 3D, blockchain, Internet of things, AI, digital twin and other technologies, therefore, it is characterized by intuitiveness, strong interaction and high knowledge conversion rate in coal mine safety training and emergency drills, which can well solve the above problems. Now the metaverse technology is increasingly mature from hardware, software to various supporting facilities, while it is still faced with the problems of single VR equipment, low simulation degree of three-dimensional models and backward simulation algorithms. With the continuous promotion of smart mines and the development of the metaverse technology, it will eventually provide a new way for safety training and emergency drills in coal mines and non-coal mines.


Metaverse, coal mine disaster, safety training, emergency drill




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