
Coal Geology & Exploration


In order to ensure the safe use of the withdrawal roadway in the fully mechanized mining face of thick coal seam, taking the strong ground pressure behavior of the withdrawal roadway in 31102 working face of Nalinhe No.2 well as the method of combination of field monitoring and theoretical analysis, the strong ground pressure behavior of the withdrawal roadway in the mining process of fully mechanized mining face in thick coal seam was studied. The results show that: the strong ground pressure behavior of withdrawal roadway in fully mechanized mining face of thick coal seam is mainly the result of coupling effect of advance abutment pressure caused by working face mining, bidirectional supporting stress caused by adjacent gob hanging roof, and static load caused by withdrawal roadway excavation. According to the occurrence mechanism of strong ground pressure, the control scheme of combining borehole pressure relief and reinforcement support for withdrawal roadway and adjacent roadway is put forward to make it in the state of “strong support and strong unloading”. Through field observation and data analysis, it shows that the effect of strong ground pressure control technology is good, which can effectively ensure the safe use of the withdrawal roadway.


fully mechanized mining face, mining withdrawal roadway, strong rock pressure control, drilling pressure relief, buttress support, stress monitoring




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