
Coal Geology & Exploration


In view of the confusion between national planned coal mining areas and coal mining areas, based on the relevant standards and notices, the definitions of national planned coal mining areas and coal mining areas are interpreted in detail. This paper introduces the basic situation of the first and second batches of national planned coal mining areas and the《National Mineral Resources Planning (2016-2020)》. The differences between the two are expounded in detail from the aspects of delineation purpose, delimitation basis and formation period. It is pointed out that the competent department of national planned coal mining areas is the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the main purpose of delimitation is to control the establishment of mining rights and standardize the management of mining rights. The competent department in charge of the delimitation of coal mining areas is the National Development and Reform Commission, and the purpose of delimitation is mainly to prepare for production and development. In the future of coal national planning mining areas management, it is suggested that the research on the basic theory, delimitation standard and mineral resources and environmental impact in coal national planning mining areas should be strengthened.


national planned coal mining areas, coal mining areas, delineation purposes, delineation basis




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