
Coal Geology & Exploration


In view of the difficulty of gas extraction and low drainage efficiency in coal seam of low permeability, based on multi component gas competitive adsorption of CO2-CH4, simulation and test for improving seam gas extraction rate through CO2 injecting CO2 into coal seam were carried out. A fluid-solid coupling model considering gas-water phases and Klinkenberg effect of CO2 injection into coal seam for enhancement of gas drainage was established, parameters of gas pressure, gas content and gas extraction rate after coal seam CO2 injection were analyzed by using COMSOL software and applied in engineering test. The results show that mathematical model of fluid-solid coupling is reliable and reasonable. Gas pressure and gas content in CO2-injected coal seam decreased faster than those without CO2 injection. After the field test, the gas concentration increased by 2.02 times and the pure gas extraction volume increased by 3 times. Gas extraction increased after CO2 had been injected in coal seam, which promotes obviously the gas extraction.


coal seam of low permeability, CO2 injection into coal seam, gas-water two-phase flow, fluid-solid coupling model, gas extraction rate




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